Thursday, November 22, 2012


I would call it bench-work, but that might be a little misleading. But simply calling a shelf would down play the design work I put into it. So, for lack of a better term, I give you my cubicle-hanging-shelf-work!

There were three main requirements for my self-work:
  1. Minimal height
  2. Cheap
  3. No support legs on the front

Monday, November 5, 2012

Building Buildings with Building Blocks

I love finding ways to use items that i have lying around or things that would normally get thrown away: things like cardboard, old pencils, old plastic parts and models, etc. As a kid, I also collected Lego and had a lot just sitting in storage.  I decided I would build my structures use these old blocks. I tell you, it was so fun pulling these out again!

I pretty much took over the living room, but my wonderful wife didn't mind!

The first building I built was the freight depot. Its the only building in a color that is normal looking, but hey, its fun... and free!